Suncoast Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Club

Suncoast Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Club

Email at:

Organized in 2013

Located in South West Florida on the Gulf of Mexico south of the City of Sarasota. They have members of all levels of experience.

Stated Mission

The Suncoast Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Club is a non-profit organization, whose objective is in promoting and furthering the uses, cultivation, propagation and distribution of new species, improved varieties and use of tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables within Southwest Florida.

Stated Object of Organization

The Suncoast Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Club promotes the growing and use of tropical fruit trees and vegetables. We want to:


Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the

Nokomis Community Center

234 East Nippino Trail


FL 34275

Meetings include guest lectures on tropical fruit, vegetables and related topics, a free tasting table, plant and seed exchange while enjoying the fellowship of new friends with similar interests.

Directions US 41 Southbound: Go south on US 41 to Colonia Ln E and go east (left turn) then turn right onto Nippino Trail. The park should be on your left.
I 75 Southbound: Get off at the Laurel Road West Exit and then turn left onto US 41 - proceed as above.

Northbound on US 41: turn right onto Nippino Trail. The park should be on your right.
I 75 Northbound: May get off at the Jacaranda Avenue Exit then take Jacaranda to Venice Avenue East (traffic roundabout) and go West to US 41. If you choose this route then proceed as above. Some might find it easier to get off at the next exit (Laurel Road) and then follow the Southbound directions.

For information, please contact:
Email at:


Bob Cannon
(941) 473-1466
Quisqualis Editor

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