Tampa Bay Chapter of the Rare Fruit Council International, Inc.

Tampa Bay Logo

Stated Object of Organization
The Tampa Bay Rare Fruit Council International seeks to inform the public about the merits of fruit common to this region, and encourages the cultivation, collection, propagation and growth of fruit that is exotic or unusual to west central Florida. The club also encourages the development of new fruit varieties, cooperating with local and foreign agricultural agencies, private institutions and individuals engaged in tropical pomology.

Meetings: The Tampa Bay Rare Fruit Council International holds monthly meetings at which there is usually a guest speaker, a plant and seed exchange, a question and answer period and refreshments. Members also receive a monthly newsletter and can participate in a variety of plant related activities. Both amateur and professional horticulturists are members.

The Tampa Bay RFCI usually meets on the second Sunday of each month at 2:00 P.M. At meetings a speaker presents a topic of interest to members. There is also a rare fruit plant, seed and information exchange, and a tasting table at each meeting. The chapter also sponsors field trips and workshops each year. Members receive a newsletter each month.

Their Plant Sale is one of the best - see our Events Page.

Tampa Bay Chapter RFCI
2812 N. Wilder Road
Plant City, Florida
USA      33565-2669

(813) 754-1399
(813) 289-1068



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